PR Safari
Embark on an exciting adventure with "PR Safari" by CPR, the podcast that immerses you in the dynamic realm of PR in Africa. Our knowledgeable guides offer insider perspectives, hands-on advice and thorough examinations of the latest PR developments and methods across the continent. From navigating the intricate PR landscape to adopting innovative strategies, "PR Safari" is your definitive compass to triumph in African PR. Whether you're an experienced PR expert or new to the field, come along for an engaging and enlightening expedition into the world of PR in Africa. Let's explore together through "PR Safari" by CPR!
Podcasting since 2023 • 44 episodes
PR Safari
Latest Episodes
Influence, counter-influence and battle for meaning
Influence, counter-influence and battle for meaningGuest: Zoe Tsika Zolesa, Strathmore University Communication Student/Gen-ZHighlightComms as fabric of societyThe downside of influence<...

How to make brands more loved and respected
Guest: Mike Nzuki, Gen-Z PRactitionerHighlightsTested brand respect+love formulaHow brains respond to messagesEffective behaviour change Successful Business Development.
Season 2
Episode 1

42. Perfect brand Positioning and Communication Beyond the Ordinary
On this episode of PR Safari as we dive deep into the art of positioning a country with the renowned communication veteran, Victoria Kaigai. Discover how to leverage controversy, tap into opportunities, and craft a compelling brand narrative.
Season 2

41. Graduating From Communication Service Provider to Trusted Advisor
We embark on a journey to understand the changing role of communication professionals with Sam Karanja, Regional Director Africa at Hill and Knowlton Strategies, for a thought-provoking discussion. We explore how communication specialists are e...
Season 2
Episode 20
40. Communication in Large-Scale Government Mandates: Case of National Construction Authority (NCA)
In this episode, our guest, Wangui Kabala, Corporate Communications Manager at the National Construction Authority, walks us through Quality Control and Assurance (QA) as a crucial component of communication. We discuss why simply...
Season 2
Episode 19