PR Safari

33. Radio Dynamics For Maximum Impact; Future, Present, Past

Center for Public Relations (CPR) Season 2 Episode 12

Join Chiimbiru Gimode, Communications Officer, Communications Authority of Kenya, former radio broadcaster and  PhD student at Daystar University, as he shares his insights on:

Unleashing the beast: Forget generic campaigns. Discover powerful, tailored strategies to make your message roar.

  • Radio 2.0: Is the future digital? We'll uncover the evolving landscape and where radio fits in.
  • Community matters: Why local radio keeps winning hearts (and ears) in a globalized world.
  • Data dilemmas: How to use radio data ethically and avoid falling into common traps. 
  • Frequency frenzy: Demystifying the business behind those magic airwaves.
  • Culture connection: How radio taps into the unique heartbeat of communities.
  • Trendy or impactful? Learn to choose strategies that drive real change, not fleeting hype.

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